Dear valued user,

We are thrilled that you have found to be a helpful resource in your journey to improve your typing skills.

We take pride in providing high-quality lessons and exercises for users of all ages and skill levels, completely free of charge.

We understand that not everyone is in a position to contribute financially, and that is perfectly fine. We want to emphasize that our website will always be free to use, with or without a donation.

However, if you have found value in our services and would like to support our ongoing development, we would greatly appreciate any donation you can provide.

n.v. : Typeles Online
IBAN : NL32.ABNA.0581.9807.78
Country : The Netherlands
Or donate using Paypal

Your contribution, no matter the size, will allow us to continue to provide quality typing lessons and exercises to learners around the world. It is through the generosity of users like you that we can keep our website running and growing.

Thank you for considering a donation to We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to help you improve your typing skills.

Best regards,

The Team